Tax laws change every year. Even with absolutely no change in your financial situation, your taxes can vary greatly. Sound, professional advice is critical for you and your business to minimize your tax bills and keep more money in your pocket. Also your tax situation and your finances are inextricably linked, one will always affect the other. Therefore, when it comes to your money, the most suitable person to ask help from your tax professional. Consequently, your tax professional should do more than prepare your tax return. L.J. Anderson Tax & Financial Services can fulfill all those needs by offering a full range of taxation, accounting, business counseling, and financial services. As your tax professional, our Enrolled Agent staff can reduce your tax liabilities and improve your overall cash flow and financial picture through comprehensive financial services. Since 1980, we have been serving small- and medium-sized businesses and individuals mainly in San Francisco Bay Area. Please count on our caring, personalized service. Enrolled Agents are the only professional tax practitioners who specialize in tax. [more details] |
To offer a full range of taxation, accounting, business counseling, and financial services tailor-made for small- and medium-sized businesses, individuals, trusts, and estates at affordable fees. To recommend ways to reduce our clients' tax liabilities and improve overall cash flow, in light of their financial goals. To grow with our clients' confidence and satisfaction by providing with reliability and trustworthiness and demonstrating professional competence. Larry J. Anderson, EA & CFP Mr. Anderson is the founder of L.J. Anderson Tax & Financial Services, has provided reliable accounting and tax practices since 1980, and added financial service in 1992. With professional license of Enrolled Agent (licensed by the federal government), his areas of expertise include tax preparation, taxpayer representation before the IRS and other government agencies, tax-related problem solutions, tax-reduction strategies, and computerized accounting systems. He is a member of: National Association of Public Accountants California Society of Enrolled Agents |
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